Lailatul Qadar being observed in Pakistan today with religious fervour

Lailatul Qadar being observed in Pakistan today with religious fervour

Believers will spend the night reciting the Holy Quran and praying till the closing call to fasting
Lailatul Qadar being observed in Pakistan today with religious fervour

Web Desk


6 Apr 2024

Lailatul Qadar, the 27th night of Ramadan, is being observed with religious fervour, solemnity and reverence across the country Saturday night.

Believers will spend the entire night reciting the Holy Quran and praying till the closing call to fasting.

Mosques in all cities and towns across the country are colourfully illuminated and religious scholars will highlight the night’s importance in their sermons.

Multiple religious gatherings will also be held in numerous households in order to celebrate the special night.

Religious scholars will pray for peace in Pakistan and the whole world and will seek the mercy and kindness of Allah Almighty for all mankind. 

Lailatul Qadar is considered an important date in Ramadan for Muslims as the Holy Quran is believed to have been revealed on this night. 

Muslims try to find the ‘Night of Power’ which can fall on any odd night in the last 10 days of Ramadan.


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