Use of Miswak increases eyesight, protects brain and heart: research

Use of Miswak increases eyesight, protects brain and heart: research

This stick is also beneficial to control cardiac-related problems
Use of Miswak increases eyesight, protects brain and heart: research

Web Desk


21 Mar 2024

Muslims across the world use Miswak as a traditional toothbrush made from the Salvadora persica tree, especially during the holy month of Ramadan. 

Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used this stick to clean his teeth and mouth. The use of Miswak is not only for oral hygiene but it also has religious and spiritual significance in Islamic countries.

The demand for Miswak triples during Ramadan, as Muslims follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by using the sacred stick. 

The stick has many health benefits, and scientists have admitted that it is healthier than other products used for cleaning the mouth.

Miswak contains 19 health-friendly substances, which can improve memory, strengthen gums, and protect the mouth from many dangerous diseases, including cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) had advised to use Miswak in its reports of 1986 and 2000.

According to health experts, Miswak enhances eyesight and improves the digestive system. The repeated process of chewing the stick releases fresh sap and silica, which remove stains from teeth.

This stick is also beneficial to control cardiac-related diseases, they added.

Miswak can be obtained from any tree except those that have harmful stems and negatively impact health, such as pomegranate and myrtle trees. In Asian countries, it is obtained from the Salvadora persica tree.


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