Is Imran Khan shifted to Bani Gala from Adiala?

Is Imran Khan shifted to Bani Gala from Adiala?

Khan is currently incarcerated in Adiala Jail.
Is Imran Khan shifted to Bani Gala from Adiala?

Web Desk


13 Feb 2024


Senior journalist Shaheen Sehbai claimed security were beefed up before shifting former prime minister Imran Khan to his residence in Bani Gala from Adiala Jail.

Sehbai claimed on his X account that Khan who had been in Adiala Jail was being shifted to Bani Gala.


Former prime minister Imran Khan in his formal media talk with the newsmen in Adiala Jail today denied meeting with any personality and added that he is not being shifted to Bani Gala.

He said Bushra Bibi's plea was scheduled to be heard today that's why the security was beefed up.


Shaheen Sehbai's claim stands factually wrong.


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