IMF condition: Pakistan govt seeks affidavits from distribution companies about no electricity theft

IMF condition: Pakistan govt seeks affidavits from distribution companies about no electricity theft

The circular issued by the Power Division emphasizes the gravity of the situation, stating that Disco officials and staff members could face dismissal if instances of electricity theft are substantiated within their areas of responsibility.
IMF condition: Pakistan govt seeks affidavits from distribution companies about no electricity theft

Web Desk


7 Apr 2024

The federal government is poised to meet another significant requirement set forth by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as the Power Division has initiated steps to address electricity theft concerns.

In line with this objective, the Power Division has issued directives to all electricity distribution companies (Discos), instructing their officers and staff to promptly submit affidavits affirming the absence of electricity theft in their respective areas of jurisdiction.

The circular issued by the Power Division emphasizes the gravity of the situation, stating that Disco officials and staff members could face dismissal if instances of electricity theft are substantiated within their areas of responsibility.

This stern directive underscores the government's commitment to tackling power theft and aligning with the IMF's stringent requirements.

Officials from the Power Division have clarified that these measures are in direct response to the IMF's call for decisive action to combat power theft effectively. By demanding affidavits and warning of potential repercussions for negligence, the government aims to instill a sense of accountability and responsibility among Disco officials and staff members.

The government's proactive stance on addressing electricity theft not only demonstrates its commitment to fulfilling its obligations to international financial institutions but also underscores its dedication to improving the efficiency and transparency of the power sector.

These measures are crucial steps towards ensuring a more sustainable and reliable energy infrastructure for the country.


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