Why is Kiswa-tul-Kaaba raised before Hajj every year?

Why is Kiswa-tul-Kaaba raised before Hajj every year?

Kiswa would be unfolded on 15 Zil-Hajj after the completion of Hajj season 2024.
Why is Kiswa-tul-Kaaba raised before Hajj every year?

Web Desk


23 May 2024

The authorities in Makkah have folded the cover of the Holy Kaaba at least three metres from the ground before the commencement of Hajj 2024, which is expected to be performed on June 16.

Kiswa — an Arabic name for black velvet fabric covering the Kaaba — is folded every year to mark the beginning of the Hajj season.

Another reason to fold Holy cloth is to protect it from getting damaged during Hajj as millions of pilgrims flock to Makkah every year to perform sacred obligation.

However, it would be unfolded on 15 Zil-Hajj after the completion of Hajj season 2024.

Kiswa means a cover that is embroidered with gold and silver. It is made in the 75-year-old factory, which was built under the directives of King Abdul Aziz.

Before the establishment of this factory, the holy cloth was made in Egypt. 

This year, over 260,000 pilgrims from 160 countries have reached Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj, as of now.

The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and must be undertaken at least once by all Muslims with the means.

The Hajj begins with the "tawaf" — the circumambulation of the Kaaba that Muslims around the world pray towards every day.

A series of rites are completed over four days in Makkah and its surroundings in the west of oil-rich Saudi Arabia.



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